Ask LAMA and you will know why
LAMA – the land of the curious
WHY is the question, LAMA is the answer

LAMA is an imprint with an innovative approach to non-fiction for young readers. LAMA means WHY in Hebrew, and LAMA’s core value is to provide answers and arouse curiosity in the inquisitive mind.

Lama publishes books with original concepts that introduce big ideas in fun and genre-bending stories. Every LAMA book conveys knowledge and invites discussion. It gives a contemporary frame to universal human questions with the objective of creating books that entertain young readers and provide a valuable resource for teachers and librarians. 

LAMA makes sophisticated ideas accessible to children and their parents through engaging and thought-provoking illustrated books. It covers a variety of fields – philosophy, science, arts and history and creates books illustrated and designed to the highest standard.

LAMA works with award-winning illustrators and children’s authors, as well as leading scholars committed not only to serious academic research, but also to bringing their findings and ideas in a captivating way to young readers and their families. 

Albert Einstein wrote, “I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious.” LAMA is passionate about creating books that inspire a lifelong love of learning. Its motto is – always ask LAMA, as the future belongs to the curious.